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Beyond Compare
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Beyond Compare
Beyond Compare 리뷰

Best code comparer till date
주석: Thanks to capterra, I recently came to know about this software and found that this is what I was looking for code comparision.
Following are the best features according to me: 1. Its free 2. Source control integration 3. It has better set of small features like ignoring whitespace change, format detection etc
I haven't found anything bad about this yet.
So Convenient
Beyond Compare is a great tool for performing code reviews of objects that aren't (yet) in a model, identifying deltas in large text strings, determining whether two versions of a file are identical in an instant, and more along those lines. It's incredibly easy to navigate and the visuals are clear.
In a world of increasing AI, sometimes it lacks intelligence in recognizing the significance or lack thereof in some differences. It would be really cool to see a feature that allowed disregarding [dbo]. vs dbo. for example.

Best solution for file comparison
주석: I used this solution with a large team and my experience is very satisfying after it. Highly recommended
Committing a wrong code on git repository can be very devastating. This situation is inevitable if you have a big team and you compare the files manually. Beyond compare provides a simple and perfect user interface to compare and merge files with high accuracy. The most best thing is that it even compare folders and sub folders . Consequently, chances of missing a change become very low.
If you are comparing two unformatted json files then it should provide option to format json file so that changes can be seen easily .
Dev and Support Review of Beyond Compare
주석: Overall my experience has been excellent. I have faced no isuses and the compare tool has always worked.
I have mostly used Beyond compare in the capacity of comparing code, mostly with Visual Studio and SQL. The great thing about this tool is that you can plug it into Visual Studio and use it as the alternative comparison tool rather than what Visual Studio offers. Beyond Compare has good colour coding to show you differences in code as well as new lines or gaps in the code, so its very easy to work through a large chunk of code in good time
I have not used any other elements of this software, so I cannot comment any further on this.
Excellent Code Comparison Tool
주석: Beyond Compare is an essential tool for me and I use it daily when copying code from one project to another. I enjoy using it as I always feel productive and can get things done quickly.
Beyond Compare is excellent value for money, I bought a Pro license so I could it on both my Mac and Windows PC about 5 or 6 years ago and it is still receiving updates. It's fast to startup, easy to use and has lots of options and settings to get thing working just right to suit your workflow.
There are a few missing features l'd like to see in future versions - for example viewing SVG images (right now it only shows the SVG code).
Put simply -- the best data synchronization program you can find.
주석: We use BC to sync data between multiple machines -- in fact, there are approximately 30 different automated batch jobs that sync critical data from one location to another in our environment, in addition to manually-fired jobs to sync data to USB-connected HDD's. I also use BC to sync data from my desktop to my laptop so that I have everything with me when I travel.
Beyond Compare provides an easy mechanism for synchronizing data in my business and personal data environments. It supports a number of different sources and targets, including remote (Internet-based) locations, and the simple scripting capability makes it really easy to create nightly batch jobs to keep my data safe (and even to rotate backups as well). Even so, though, I can still use the GUI-based file sync display to resolve conflicts manually or address special cases where I have had changes on both sides at the same time. It's the Swiss army knife for your sync needs!
I've been using the system since 1998 (version 1 or 2, I forget now), and the UI has changed over the years. I think the UI in the latest version is a bit more complicated than it should be, but the sync process underneath is definitely more powerful and flexible.
Best comparison tool for optimising data
This beyond compare is very easy to use and it makes developers or users to find the mistakes and make necessary changes as it make us quick in finding difference in data which we made to existing data. Using this we can find difference in folder structure also as it has option to do comparison with files, folders as well
Only difficulty i found using it is session management and clipboard comparison is hectic at times as it won't be easy to copy paste the data we want to find difference. It is little difficult to do clipboard comparison

The Swiss knife for comparison
Beyond compare has been presented to me be a friend many years ago and ever since it has been my reliable companion in all of my projects. I've used Beyond Compare in many different situations but mostly in Software Development projects. All this was before the Continuous Development became the standard. So many times I had to compare program sources between multiple developers and the test environment and later between test and production environment. Without BC this would have been a nightmare.
But BC is more than that, I've used it to compare documentation folders between my notebook and centralized customer network directory to make sure the latest versions were always on the right spot.
And finally I've used BC to compare remote servers with the site comparison.
Once you've done the file comparision there are many viewers available to compare .CSV files, text files, binary files, images, you name it, BC's got it!
Ease of use, versatility, multiple file comparison viewers, reporting, feature richness, remote site comparison.
Personally I don't feel there are any missing features. I've tried it in many situations and many occasions and Beyond Compare never let me down.

Best File and Folder Compare
주석: Its very good experience to use this tool it helps lot while need to resolve complex conflicts and want to compare any text or code.
Basically its help a lot when we having conflict in the codes and want to merge them by manually then it help and also help when I want to compare the previous code and latest code. Other most I like is It provides single file compare as well as folder compare.
Some time didn’t compare as per our need rest all awesome.

Beyond Compare has saved me 100s of hours
주석: I was initially shown this software years ago by my [SENSITIVE CONTENT HIDDEN]. And my life forever changed that day. The biggest key is that I can now get more work done more accurately than anyone can by manually re-ticking documents.
The ability to quickly compare PDFs and have 100% certainty has been a life saver. I use this when it comes to making changes to audited financials at YE, capital call or distribution notices that have a minor wording tweak, etc. In the past it would have taken me hours to try and tick 100s of pages. That was always a very slow and tedious task which has been completely eliminated for me.
I wish more people were familiar with this software so they would know they don't have to re tick 100s of pages of a document.
Una salvezza per la mia vista!
주석: Avendo a che fare con migliaia di righe di codice ogni giorno, è facile sbagliare una piccolezza, ma è altrettanto difficile poi ritrovarla. Con Beyond Compare riesco a confrontare intere porzioni di codice e a scoprire subito dove sta l’errore. Comodissimo!
La possibilità di confrontare in tempo reale anche centinaia di righe, riuscendo ad individuarne le più piccole differenze di scrittura
Talvolta, se le porzioni di testo confrontate sono identiche in alcuni punti, ma differiscono poi per interi blocchi, il software va in confusione e non allinea le parti identiche, rendendo difficile il confronto.
Beyond Compare for File Structure
주석: Love it. It makes everything file intake- foldering comparing and syncing so easy and quick when you need to maintain folder structure.
I cannot say enough good things about Beyond Compare. I work in tech at a major law firm, and being able to easily move files around without disrupting the folder structure is absolutely key.
Sometimes it snags, and it won't let you move files manually via file explorer if you have a session open.
Beyond Compare has been a life saver
주석: There have been so many times over the years that I would have been lost without Beyond Compare
I have been using BC since version 2, over 20 years, and I have used it almost every day, many times a day - mainly on Windows but also on Mac and Linux, both for work and for home use. I love the way I can easily see all the differences between large projects in multiple folders, usually filtering out artifacts (.bin, .obj, etc) and then simply drilling down to differences between individual files. It is important that BC handles many file formats in addition to text and has many filter options. BC makes merging files, especially 3-way merges, very easy. I have used many version control systems over the years but, whichever I am using, I always replace the default compare/merge tools with BC.
Occasionally the proposed merge is not exactly what I want but even then it is very easy to override the default behaviour for a manual change.
Einfaches Tool zum Vergleichen und Synchronisieren
주석: Wir nutzen Beyond Compare zum Vergleichen von Dateien und zum Backup verwalten.Dazu ist das Tool gut geeignet.Die grafische Oberfläche ist einfach und übersichtlich.Die Integration in das Windows Kontext Menü gefällt mir sehr gut.So sind Zugriffe auf Dateien mittels Beyond Compare schnell und einfach zu erledigen.
Es ist einfach und intuitiv zu bedienen.Es ist übersichtlich.
Es sollte eine Möglichkeit geben Hex Files zu normalisieren.
Excellent choice for syncing, reviewing differences
주석: Been using Beyond Compare for more than 5 years in syncing folders among various internal and external drives to assure backups or make folders and files more portable. Saved sessions help automate the syncs and the preview of changes is important to assure the sync is correct. Also use it for comparing text in document files.
Intuitive interface that makes setting up syncs very easy. I use it regularly to sync folders and files between disks as backups. Also useful in comparing documents and identifying changes.
Haven't had any issues in using software.
Must have for comparing and merging files
주석: I have been using BC for almost 10 years. I use it to compare different version of files to see what has changed. I also use it before "checking in" source code files and for compering and merging changes in different Subversion or Git branches
Out of the box support for various files types and extensibility through plugins . I like XML Sorted option for comparing XML files in particular. Windows explorer integration
3-Way Merging is not supported in Standard version
Easy to compare files and folders. Best comparison tool
주석: Reduce manual efforts and saves time. Increased efficiency.
Files can be synchronized easily and even helps to merge the changes. Using the tool, you can even generate reports that are quite helpful.
Reports generated should be easily presentable in proper format and alignment.
Best code compare tool
Works great for comparing code, plugins, can compare folders
I think there isn't any missing features.
Best data comparison Software Application
Beyond Compare is a perfect software application for comparing files, directories, folders, etc. and even it can be used for merging text. As a Software Tester; I have always found this very useful for performing my day to day tasks.
Based on my experience; I don't have anything specific to be mentioned.
Beyond Compare Review
주석: Whenever I need to comparison, I use beyond compare
It does deep comparison which helps teams to see the changes in folder and files
It should be free license like other competitive softwares
Best out there!
So fast and easy to use. Stand alone install is great for servers. I won't use anything else!
Nothing that I can think of? I have used for years with no problems.
Great app for Developers
주석: I'm using BC for few years mostly for code compare but it is also helpful when used with plain text or basic documents. The navigation is easy and fast to understand.
The software is easy to use, very friendly and most of all can save valuable time.
The price, it would be more appreciated if it would cost less or to have a free version.
Beyond Compare For Comparison of files, folders and more
Really great software to do comparison and synchronization of folders.
It helps developers to compare the code differences properly.
1.It is easily synchronized with Visual studio and TFS. 2.Comparison of files and folders can be done easily. 3.Quickly compares large set of files from folders. 4.It also has feature to compare MP3 and pictures.
1.Sometimes it doesn't compare .pdf files properly. 2.Need to add more features.
Professional Comparison Tool
주석: In my line of work, I often review files that have subtle changes. This tool is great, as I can easily take two very similar files and it will show me the differences.
Beyond Compare is a very powerful compare tool, which works for many different file types, folders, or free text. I love how it has a default algorithm for lining up your files and finding the differences, and how I can override that if it makes a mistake, or if I just need to line it up differently. Several files can be compared across different tabs. It will even do "in-line" comparisons too.
As with a lot of professional level tools, there are often more options and features than are needed. This is also true of Beyond Compare - with full menus. This can give a cluttered feel, but isn't much to get past, and many people may find uses for these options.
Awesome Product
주석: This a great tool that i will recommend our management to purchase and use for all our branches.
What we like most is the ability to auto synchronize files and folders on both locations.
Nothing to hate on this software for it delivers user wants and needs.