기업의 더 효율적인 소프트웨어
선택을 위한 18년 지원 경험

Bigin by Zoho CRM은(는) 무엇인가요?

Bigin을 사용하면 현재 고객, 잠재 고객 및 영업 리드에 대한 정보를 저장, 구성 및 추적하여 궁극적으로 고객 관계를 발전시키고 개선할 수 있습니다.

당사는 영업 리드를 쉽게 구성하고 추적하는 데 도움이 되는 소기업 전용 CRM을 구축했습니다. 단순함을 모티브로 하는 Bigin은 적절한 기능, 사용자에게 친숙한 인터페이스 및 저렴한 가격으로 소기업에 안성맞춤입니다!

Bigin by Zoho CRM은(는) 누가 사용하나요?

Bigin은 고객 관계 관리를 위해 비효율적인 스프레드시트 및 기타 레거시 영업 도구에서 벗어나려는 소기업 및 초소형 기업에 이상적입니다.

Bigin by Zoho CRM은(는) 어디에 배포할 수 있나요?

클라우드 기반

공급업체 정보

  • Zoho
  • 설립 연도: 1996

Bigin by Zoho CRM 지원

  • 전화 지원
  • 24/7(실시간 담당자)
  • 채팅

사용 가능 국가

가나, 가봉, 가이아나, 감비아, 건지 및 기타 224개


네덜란드어, 덴마크어, 독일어, 러시아어, 베트남어 및 기타 20개

Bigin by Zoho CRM 가격

시작 가격:

  • 예, 무료 체험판이 있습니다.
  • 예, 무료 버전이 있습니다.

Bigin by Zoho CRM은(는) 무료 버전이 있고 무료 체험판을 제공합니다. Bigin by Zoho CRM 유료 버전 시작 가격: US$7.00/년.

가격 요금제 무료 체험판 얻기

공급업체 정보

  • Zoho
  • 설립 연도: 1996

Bigin by Zoho CRM 지원

  • 전화 지원
  • 24/7(실시간 담당자)
  • 채팅

사용 가능 국가

가나, 가봉, 가이아나, 감비아, 건지 및 기타 224개


네덜란드어, 덴마크어, 독일어, 러시아어, 베트남어 및 기타 20개

Bigin by Zoho CRM 동영상 및 이미지

Bigin by Zoho CRM 소프트웨어 - 1
Bigin by Zoho CRM 소프트웨어 - 2
Bigin by Zoho CRM 소프트웨어 - 3
Bigin by Zoho CRM 소프트웨어 - 4
5개 더 보기
Bigin by Zoho CRM 동영상
Bigin by Zoho CRM 소프트웨어 - 1
Bigin by Zoho CRM 소프트웨어 - 2
Bigin by Zoho CRM 소프트웨어 - 3
Bigin by Zoho CRM 소프트웨어 - 4

Bigin by Zoho CRM 특징

  • CRM
  • Third-Party Integrations
  • 검색/필터
  • 견적/예측
  • 경보/통지
  • 고객 데이터베이스
  • 공유 연락처
  • 기회 관리
  • 끌어서 놓기
  • 다중 채널 커뮤니케이션
  • 데이터 가져오기/내보내기
  • 리드 관리
  • 리드 배포
  • 리드 생성
  • 리드 선별 자격
  • 리드 세분화
  • 리드 육성
  • 리드 캡처
  • 마케팅 자동화
  • 맞춤 설정
  • 맞춤형 보고서
  • 맞춤형 필드
  • 모바일 액세스
  • 문서 관리
  • 문서 스토리지
  • 미리 알림
  • 보고 및 통계
  • 보고/분석
  • 비즈니스 프로세스 자동화
  • 상호 작용 추적
  • 성능 메트릭
  • 세그먼트화
  • 소셜 미디어 통합
  • 액세스 제어/권한
  • 양식 관리
  • 역할 기반 권한
  • 연락처 관리
  • 연락처 데이터베이스
  • 예약 관리
  • 온라인 양식
  • 온보딩
  • 워크플로 관리
  • 워크플로 구성
  • 이메일 관리
  • 이메일 마케팅
  • 이메일 템플릿
  • 일정 관리
  • 조회 추적
  • 주석/참고
  • 채팅/메시징
  • 캘린더/미리 알림 시스템
  • 캠페인 관리
  • 클라이언트 관리
  • 클라이언트/속성 매칭
  • 타사 통합
  • 태스크 관리
  • 템플릿 관리
  • 파이프라인 관리
  • 판매 보고서
  • 판매 파이프라인 관리
  • 판매 활동 관리
  • 활동 대시보드
  • 활동 추적

Bigin by Zoho CRM 대안 제품 추천

Agile CRM은 SMB가 Fortune 500 기업처럼 영업 및 마케팅을 수행할 수 있도록 설계된 완벽한 영업, 마케팅 및 서비스 제품군입니다.
Freshdesk는 전 세계 50,000개 이상의 기업이 뛰어난 고객 환경을 구축할 수 있게 해주는 사용하기 쉬운 고객 서비스 소프트웨어입니다.
monday.com은 사무실, 집 또는 외부 중 어디에서나 팀이 프로젝트 및 일상 작업을 실행할 수 있는 클라우드 워크 OS입니다.
Bitrix24는 전 세계 8백만 고객이 사용하는 최고의 무료 연락처 관리 및 CRM 소프트웨어입니다. 클라우드, 모바일 및 오픈 소스 버전이 제공됩니다.
더 나은 고객 관계를 온라인으로 구축하기 위해 필요한 모든 도구를 한 곳에서 이용할 수 있습니다.
Zoho CRM Plus는 뛰어난 고객 환경을 제공하여 고객을 브랜드 옹호자로 전환할 수 있게 도와줍니다. Zoho CRM Plus 자세히 알아보기
monday sales CRM은 모든 연락처 정보를 추적, 저장 및 관리하는 데 유용한 최고의 연락처 관리 소프트웨어입니다.
ClickUp은 작업의 미래를 보여주는, 모든 것을 대체할 수 있는 하나의 앱입니다. ClickUp은 2022년 성장이 가장 빠른 생산성 앱으로 선정되었습니다.
Pipedrive의 강력하지만 민첩한 연락처 관리 소프트웨어 덕분에 이전보다 훨씬 쉬운 방식으로 연락처 및 영업 커뮤니케이션을 관리할 수 있습니다.

Bigin by Zoho CRM 리뷰

평균 점수

사용 편의성
고객 서비스 소프트웨어
비용 대비 가치

회사 규모(직원 수)별 리뷰

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1,000
  • >1,001

점수별 리뷰 찾기

검증된 LinkedIn 사용자
인적 자원, 2~10 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 1~5개월
리뷰어 출처

ZOho Bigin wonderful start

5.0 3주 전 신규

주석: Overall its good to start with; suitable for small sized companies


SImple to use, affordable pricing and free trial


limited automations as compared to Zoho CRM

검증된 리뷰어
검증된 LinkedIn 사용자
정보 기술 및 서비스, 51~200 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 1년 이상
리뷰어 출처

A Powerful CRM for Small and Medium Businesses!

5.0 지난달 신규

주석: My experience with Bigin has been excellent. It has significantly streamlined our sales processes, saving time and improving team collaboration. The affordability and reliability make it a fantastic value for money. The customer support team is also highly responsive and helpful.


Bigin's simplicity and user-friendly interface make it easy to set up and navigate. The seamless integration with other Zoho apps and email platforms enhances productivity. The customisation options and pipeline management tools are perfect for small to medium-sized businesses, ensuring efficient tracking of sales and client interactions.


While Bigin is fantastic, it could benefit from a few more advanced reporting features for power users. Additionally, a broader variety of integrations with third-party tools would make it even more versatile.

인도의 Owner
포장 및 용기, 2~10 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 무료 체험판
리뷰어 출처

Value for Money

3.0 4개월 전

주석: Value for Money considering overall features


Custom Fields are very helpful to customize


Slow refresh rate while going to different modules

고려된 대안: Pipedrive

Bigin by Zoho CRM 전환 이유: Value for money for startup having limited resources.

영국의 Head of Marketing
기계, 11~50 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 6~12개월
리뷰어 출처

Amazing power given the price

5.0 4개월 전

주석: BIGIN CRM punches well above its weight class considering its cost. The reality is, it provides enough core function that 80% of small and medium sized businesses needs. I've used SalesForce, AGILE, Workbooks, and Dynamics CRM and BIGIN is comparable for most of what I want to achieve.


Bigin is very powerful given its price point. It offers all the basic functions you would likely need. The bolt ons into other ZOHO applications makes it almost infinitely upgradable.


The marketing campaign assignment is very limited, and there is limited ways to process sales leads.

고려된 대안: Agile CRM

Bigin by Zoho CRM 전환 이유: Price and functionality, plus transparency on costs.

인도의 Founder
경영 컨설팅, 11~50 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 6~12개월
리뷰어 출처

Amazing CRM for Small Businesses

5.0 2개월 전 신규


Ease of setup & implementation Automation Pipelines Customisation


User access/permissions functionality is not very detailed Assiging multiple owners to a deal is not straightforward

고려된 대안: Pipedrive

Bigin by Zoho CRM 전환 이유: Customisation and flexibility. Ease of setup

검증된 리뷰어
검증된 LinkedIn 사용자
정보 기술 및 서비스, 2~10 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 무료 체험판
리뷰어 출처

Value for Money

5.0 지난달 신규

주석: Great Product. Simple enough. Perfect for a start-up that does not need anything fancy in the beginning


Pricepoint, Value for the money is unbeatable


Some minor integrations seem to be lagging

브라질의 Diretor
법률 서비스, 11~50 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 6~12개월
리뷰어 출처

BIGIN 5 stars

5.0 지난달 신규

주석: very positive, practical use, quick and simple to implement.


Level of simplicity and autonomy in customizations


The limit of dashboard elements and lack of conversion rate

인도의 CFO
그래픽 디자인, 2~10 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 1~5개월
리뷰어 출처

Super CRM Bigin by Zoho

5.0 지난달 신규

주석: Loved the product and its affordable pricing. It has so many feature required for customer customer and CRM functionality. I am happy choosing the Begin :)


Loved the product and its affordable pricing. It has so many feature required for customer customer and CRM functionality. I am happy choosing the Begin :)


Though it has WhatsApp API looking forward to have WhatsApp Automation to handle initicial customer query

영국의 Travel Consultant
레저, 여행 및 관광, 2~10 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 1~5개월
리뷰어 출처

Simple yet effective.

5.0 지난주 신규

주석: I love using it, as i said earlier, it is so simple to use and so clear to track ongoing enquiries.


I like that it is easy to use and effective, when working with sales, you can create a pipeline to easily see where each enquiry is up to..


There isn't really anything that I don't like.

인도의 Marketing Head
부동산, 2~10 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 1~5개월
리뷰어 출처

Zoho Bigin

5.0 3주 전 신규

주석: Quite good experience I have with zoho bigin software


Efficient and easy management for small business


Nothing as of now. I wil notify once I find any cons

미국의 CEO
회계, 2~10 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 무료 체험판
리뷰어 출처

Great CRM to Help your business grow

5.0 9개월 전

주석: My overall experience with Bigin by Zoho CRM has been positive. I've been using it during the free trial period and have found it to be a valuable tool for managing client relationships in my tax firm. The platform's ease of use, combined with its useful integrations and semi-personalization features, has convinced me to purchase and fully implement it in our operations.


I like the ease of use and the integrations that Bigin offers. The interface is intuitive, making it simple to manage client relationships effectively. Additionally, the semi-personalization options available allow for a certain level of customization that suits our firm's needs.


What I like least about Bigin is that it is not fully personalizable. While it offers some degree of customization, there are limitations that prevent it from being tailored entirely to our specific workflow and preferences.

미국의 Business Consultant
검증된 LinkedIn 사용자
스포츠, 2~10 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 6~12개월
리뷰어 출처

Best CRM for Startups and Small Business

5.0 작년

주석: Easy to use, app is easy to read and use on our cell phones. We were up and running with BIGIN in one day.


Easy to setup with industry specific template, in our case we used the "Education" template, easy to upload data from spreadsheets, and from forms on our Website.


Would like a way to better organize files for each customer.

케냐의 Operations Manager
정보 기술 및 서비스, 51~200 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 1~5개월
리뷰어 출처

Operations Manager

5.0 5개월 전

주석: We use Bigin by Zoho CRM to manage our entire sales pipeline. Before Bigin, we struggled to keep track of leads, follow-ups, and deal stages across various spreadsheets, which often led to missed opportunities and delayed responses. With Bigin, we’ve been able to consolidate all our sales data into one place. Overall its very friendly and easy to use


Simplicity and Visual Management Bigin excels at providing a visual, drag-and-drop pipeline that allows users to easily manage deals from start to finish with an interface that is intuitive and very easy


Forms do not allow editing/updating records

검증된 리뷰어
검증된 LinkedIn 사용자
비즈니스 용품 및 장비, 2~10 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 무료 체험판
리뷰어 출처

Best simple sales CRM

5.0 8개월 전

주석: Bigin kept my sales pipeline organized and my clients happy, making it a win-win for my business.


Bigin's visual pipeline made it clear where each deal stood, so I never missed a beat.


While Bigin was great, I would have liked more options to customize how I tracked my deals.

미국의 Founder and CEO
디자인, 자영업
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 무료 체험판
리뷰어 출처

As a newbie to CRMs, I was looking for one with just the right fit and finish

5.0 6개월 전

주석: I'm just getting started on CRMs – including the exploration I did on other platforms like Nimble, HighLevel, and EngageBay. I’m just looking for the right one with the right feeling that’s going to accelerate my business’s growth. Over time with Bigin (or some other CRM), I’d love to see some automations, tie-ins to appropriate third-party apps, and AI integrations. I need a CRM capable of supporting different workflows – and everything that naturally spills out from that process.


Bigin seems to have cracked the code for CRM newbies like me. They've done an incredible job of making things remarkably simple on the surface, while clearly having much more to offer within the service. I've spent a lot of time researching CRMs, and Bigin just kept on coming up to the top (especially when I combined features and cost together).


I was concerned about the possibilities of a constant upsell from Zoho CRM – as Bigin is the baby version of a much bigger platform. Thankfully they haven't experience this in practice. They haven't oversold me, and I'm very appreciative of that. So, in effect, the biggest Con never materialized!

고려된 대안: PipedriveEngageBay CRM

Bigin by Zoho CRM 전환 이유: Ease of use, elegance of design, price point, and quick onboarding.

미국의 CEO
보험, 자영업
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 무료 체험판
리뷰어 출처

I love Begin

5.0 3개월 전

주석: It was easy to start using. It is sort of the apple of process, CRM, organization software. It is intuitive.


I like easy it was to use and keep things organized. It takes the stress out of managing projects.


I am still learning what customization feature I may have for six sigma type projects, but it has been easier for me to use than Asana and some other software.

고려된 대안: monday CRMAsana

Bigin by Zoho CRM 전환 이유: It was easy to use had very useful pipelines for tracking different types of business. There was also some customization it could do.

미국의 Business Development
부동산, 11~50 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 1~5개월
리뷰어 출처

Bigin is a Amazing CRM tool for small businesses

5.0 9개월 전

주석: Overall, We love Bigin by ZOHO, it also our company to grow, as we grow, we can expand our use of Bigin


I appreciate the awesome customer service; it was prompt and answered all of my questions. Bigin is simple and easy to use CRM tool for small businesses. It's great that you can start with the basics and add on the different tools that you need as you grow. Sales pipeline, contact management, as well as task automation features guarantee time-saving and flexibility throughout your business day, your day-to-day business activity will prosper. Bigin for the Win!!


So far, in the past 90 days of use, I haven't experienced any Cons.

태국의 Operations Manager
정보 기술 및 서비스, 2~10 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 무료 체험판
리뷰어 출처

Streamlined Efficiency with Outstanding Value

5.0 4개월 전

주석: My overall experience with Bigin by Zoho CRM has been highly positive. It offers a smooth, intuitive experience from the start, with an easy setup process that allowed my team to dive in quickly without much training. The interface is clean and user-friendly, making it simple to manage sales pipelines, track customer interactions, and automate routine tasks like follow-ups. Bigin has streamlined our workflow and improved team communication, which has been a major boost for our efficiency. Though it’s perfect for small to mid-sized teams, I do feel that as we grow, some additional features—like advanced reporting and the ability to upload documents—would make it even more beneficial. Despite this, Bigin has provided us with great value for the investment and has had a positive impact on how we handle our sales operations.


What I liked most about Bigin by Zoho CRM is how incredibly easy it is to set up and use. The visual sales pipeline makes tracking deals a breeze, and the automation features save a lot of time by handling follow-ups and communication updates. It’s also a cost-effective solution that offers great value for small to mid-sized teams. The simple, intuitive interface makes it easy for any team member to quickly adapt, streamlining our sales workflow and keeping everything organized.


What I liked least about Bigin is the limited document handling functionality. There's no option to upload or store documents such as quotes, contracts, or invoices directly in the CRM, which would have been a helpful feature. Additionally, for more advanced reporting or scalability, the platform might feel a bit constrained as your business grows. Some additional customization options in reporting would make it even more powerful.

트리니다드 토바고의 Managing Director
검증된 LinkedIn 사용자
해양, 2~10 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 1~5개월
리뷰어 출처

Dellnurse's Review of Bigin by Zoho

5.0 6개월 전

주석: At Dellnurse, we are working on some operational upgrades that we are very excited about! We are especially proud of team dedication and commitment in getting this new phase off the ground in time and on budget. Just as our clients projects are our passion, so too are our own company's internal projects. We are especially excited working with Futureline Global as our preferred managed services provider. From innovative business strategy, technology integration and admin support services, they have been consistently providing value beyond expected. We are definitely enjoying their implementation of simple but effective business tools such as Bigin by Zoho CRM, which we now use for our customer relationship management. Bigin is a simple but very effective solution for managing customer data. It is user-friendly and has seamless functionality. Managing our sales pipeline is a breeze and the app allows us to stay on top of leads, update information and track interactions on the fly, ensuring no opportunity is missed. With the moves being made, the excitement is buzzing. We are even more excited in serving you because at Dellnurse Services Limited, your projects are our passion!


Bigin by Zoho CRM has been a game-changer for our organization, helping us manage customer relationships, track sales pipelines, and automate follow-ups seamlessly. The platform addresses the challenge of organizing our sales activities, ensuring no lead is overlooked, and allowing us to customize features to fit our specific needs.


We are aware of Bigin's role in the market and its not the full fledged CRM solution but we wished the email function was part of the Free version, at least the basic function of sending mails.

프랑스의 CEO
레저, 여행 및 관광, 2~10 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 6~12개월
리뷰어 출처

Top CRM for small businesses

5.0 7개월 전


accessible even for small businesses and individuals without a technical background. The setup process is straightforward, allowing users to get up and running quickly. Its integration with other Zoho applications and third-party tools is seamless, providing a cohesive ecosystem for managing various business operations. The pipeline management feature is particularly impressive, offering clear visualizations of sales stages and helping to track progress effectively. Additionally, the mobile app ensures that users can manage their customer relationships on the go. Overall, Bigin combines simplicity with robust functionality, making it an excellent choice for those looking to streamline their CRM processes without the complexity of larger CRM systems.


What I liked least about Bigin by Zoho CRM was its limited customization options, which made it challenging to tailor the CRM to specific business needs.

콜롬비아의 CEO
식당, 2~10 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 6~12개월
리뷰어 출처

Best CRM for small startup teams.

5.0 3개월 전

주석: The best for my business. I have a team of 3 people to manage sales and customer success and Bigin was the easy one.


It's too easy to use for a small business. I have a restaurant tech startup and the UX and UI is so smooth. They promise a 30 minutes setup and I did it in 15 min.


Doesn't have SalesIQ integration, if zoho want to make from bigin the best small CRM you need to make a SalesIQ integration.

튀르키예의 Digital Transformation Consultant
정보 기술 및 서비스, 2~10 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 6~12개월
리뷰어 출처

Bigin Review

5.0 5개월 전


BigIn for Gmail has been a game-changer for managing my emails and sales pipeline efficiently! The seamless integration with Gmail makes it incredibly easy to track leads, manage contacts, and update deals directly from my inbox. It's intuitive, user-friendly, and has streamlined my workflow significantly. Highly recommend this extension for anyone looking to enhance their email and CRM management!


Not much, didn't face any trouble with it till now

영국의 CEO
이러닝, 11~50 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 무료 체험판
리뷰어 출처

just used Bigin CRM and I'm thoroughly impressed

5.0 8개월 전


Streamlining Customer Management: Bigin consolidates all customer information in one place, making it easy to track interactions, manage contacts, and follow up on leads. This centralization ensures that no customer details are overlooked, leading to better customer service and relationship management. Automation of Routine Tasks: By automating repetitive tasks such as follow-up emails, appointment scheduling, and data entry, Bigin saves a significant amount of time. This allows me to focus more on strategic activities and less on administrative tasks, improving overall productivity. Enhanced Sales Pipeline Management: Bigin provides a clear visual representation of the sales pipeline, making it easy to track the progress of deals and identify bottlenecks. This transparency helps in making informed decisions and prioritizing efforts on high-impact activities, ultimately driving higher sales.


The mobile app could be more robust, with some features lacking compared to the desktop version. Additionally, the integration options with other software could be expanded to enhance overall functionality. Despite these minor drawbacks, Bigin CRM is a fantastic tool for any business.

오스트레일리아의 Managing Director
대체 분쟁 해결, 자영업
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 무료 체험판
리뷰어 출처

Great startup CRM that scales as you grow

4.0 9개월 전


It's scaling properties and simplicity of use and set up. It offers great contact tracking and pipeline abilities


Doesn't integrate with Zoho Books on the free version

인도의 Co-founder
검증된 LinkedIn 사용자
리테일, 11~50 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 1~5개월
리뷰어 출처

Best CRM for Startup and SMEs

5.0 11개월 전


The ease of access and usage is the best part of this CRM. Even interns with no experience with any CRM can easily use and manage this without fail.


There are some limitations for a startup in the long run. As in eventually as the company grows we would definitely need to move away to a more extensive CRM platform.

고려된 대안: Zoho CRM Plus