기업의 더 효율적인 소프트웨어
선택을 위한 18년 지원 경험



Veracross은(는) 무엇인가요?

Veracross는 관리자, 교사, 학생 및 학부모를 연결하는 완전히 통합된 학교 정보 관리 시스템입니다. Veracross는 학교의 운영 효율 향상을 통해 학생 교육에 더 많은 시간과 에너지를 투자할 수 있게 도와줍니다. 웹을 통해 모든 관련 학교 정보에 쉽고 빠르게 액세스할 수 있는 Veracross는 효율적이고 생산적인 방식으로 모든 사람을 하나로 묶어 줍니다.

Veracross은(는) 누가 사용하나요?

Veracross는 전 세계 사립 초중고 독립 학교의 고유한 요구를 충족시킬 수 있도록 설계되었습니다.

Veracross 소프트웨어 - 1

Veracross에 대해 확실하지 않으세요? 인기 있는 대안 제품과 비교



4.3 (12)
무료 버전
무료 체험판
발견된 통합 없음
4.0 (12)
3.8 (12)
4.3 (12)
시작 가격
가격 옵션
사용 편의성
비용 대비 가치
고객 서비스 소프트웨어
발견된 가격 없음
무료 버전
무료 체험판
4.3 (310)
4.3 (310)
4.6 (310)
녹색 등급 막대는 평균 등급과 리뷰 수에 따라 결정되는 최우수 제품을 보여줍니다.

Veracross의 다른 적합한 대안

Alma SIS
최상위 등급 기능
출석 추적
클래스 예약 관리
학생 정보/레코드

Veracross 리뷰

평균 점수

사용 편의성
고객 서비스 소프트웨어
비용 대비 가치

회사 규모(직원 수)별 리뷰

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1,000
  • >1,001

점수별 리뷰 찾기

검증된 리뷰어
검증된 LinkedIn 사용자
교육 관리, 51~200 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 2년 이상
리뷰어 출처

Veracross has a clean look that is easy to navigate and combine many features.

5.0 7년 전


I like that everything is in one learning management system. Budgets, class lists, discipline forms, and the school calendar are all in one spot. I can easily email groups of parents with one click. I can see what my past report card comments have been and track student attendance. In the past we have used several learning management systems for all of the previously listed items and it was a lot to learn at once. This makes everything much smoother.


I have multiple sections of the same course. I am unable to email them all at the same time, which is something I wish I could do. If I want to email all 4th grade parents it requires me sending several emails through veracross. Our previous learning management system let me check off which classes I wanted to email and I could send a bulk email to all of my courses. This is a small inconvenience in an otherwise great software.

미국의 Controller
교육 관리, 51~200 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 2년 이상
리뷰어 출처

Veracross - great for independent schools

5.0 11개월 전

주석: I would highly recommend Veracross, it is a great accounting software. The accounts payable system is pretty easy to use as well. The FA module works great too. And I've received great response help from the online help ticket system. Sometimes you need to wait a bit, but typically the help is very fast.


I am a true fan of Veracross, I've worked with a lot of accounting software in my 4 decades of work. And I found Veracross so user friendly.


When we installed Veracross it was during COVID and I felt that the training was unreasonable timetable. It would great, if that was the only thing that you had to do was to train on this software, but we were working through COVID, the PPLoan and everything else. Then after the training, the trainers moved on if you had a question you had to reach out via email and wait for someone to respond.

검증된 리뷰어
검증된 LinkedIn 사용자
교육 관리, 201~500 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 6~12개월
리뷰어 출처

Veracross Review

3.0 6년 전


- Easy to use - Support various functions of school (Admission, Classes, Accounting, Billing...) - Many add-on modules available - Mobile-friendly - Tech Support


- Limited customization, very fews things are automated (workaround mostly needed) - Two-factor costs extra

미국의 School Nurse
교육 관리, 51~200 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 2년 이상
리뷰어 출처

Veracross Review - Nurse Perspective

5.0 2년 전

주석: Wonderful!


Makes finding student/parent information simple and efficient; As a nurse, I often find myself needing to get in contact with a parent fast; Veracross makes it simple to find parents and relatives contact information; I can also copy and paste emails from lists that help me send out mass emails to specific grades;


I wish the staff address was in the same tab as the phone number;

미국의 Senior Accountant
교육 관리, 201~500 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 1년 이상
리뷰어 출처

Not very intuitive, but functional once you learn how to use it!

4.0 4년 전

주석: When I first started using Veracross, I really did not like it. I thought it was one of the most difficult platforms I had ever used. My previous CRM was Netsuite, and this was like a night and day comparison in regards to userfriendlyness. However, after using Veracross for about a year, I can honestly say it has grown on me and learning how to do things on this software that was not possible or much more difficult on Netsuite, has somewhat changed my mind. This is my first experience at a school, so I'm not sure whether there are other software systems that are easier and better than Veracross - but so far I have really grown to like this one and their support team has made using and learning how to do things on the software very easy.


I really like the Query feature. It's very usefull for generating reports based on specific criteria. As a school, we often need to pull a list of students based on certain things and this feature makes it easy to do so. I also love their Support team. I always get almost immediate answers to my support tickets. They provide screenshots and make it very easy to understand how to do something. I love the upload feature. Uploading Journals or even Student Charges make it much easier to do than doing it manually - very time saving.


There is not a lot of room for error in this software, but that can be a good thing also. It is not as easy to edit transactions once something is posted... so you need to go through a few hoops in order to reverse and fix. It's extra work, but it forces you to really think before you post something, and is better for auditing purposes. I think fixing the way a payment is applied should be easier. Parents can often pay the wrong invoice by accident. Once a payment is applied, it's a bit difficult to reapply that payment to another invoice.

검증된 리뷰어
검증된 LinkedIn 사용자
교육 관리, 51~200 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 2년 이상
리뷰어 출처

Veracross is a solid database system that requires training to use it properly

5.0 7년 전


The information is always available without any data hostage. The Query section is very useful if you know what you are looking for. Easy to download to Excel


- The latest version (online) is better than the previous software version, but is very slow, even with high-speed internet. - On the Query section, if you search for a field on the search option, the same results appear. This is confusing because if you are running reports under the Development module but your search field you selected is Adminission, then the result may be different. The field search specifies the source (Development, Admissions, etc) but it's very cumbersome to navigate. - It requires training to understand the system, which represents a cost for the organization

검증된 리뷰어
검증된 LinkedIn 사용자
교육 관리, 11~50 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 2년 이상
리뷰어 출처

Robust CRM for schools

4.0 6년 전

주석: I work on the development at a private school. We use Veracross for our donation record keeping.


A one stop shop for all CRM and data needs for private schools. I work in the development office, so it makes keeping track of donors, donations, and development goals easy


It is a full-fledged CRM, so there is a steep learning curve to utilizing all of it's features

미국의 Director of Technology
, 201~500 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 2년 이상
리뷰어 출처

Choosing Veracross was one of the best decisions we've made and we've been using it for 7+ years.

5.0 8년 전

주석: We were able to streamline support across all our offices using Veracross. In addition, the system has so much functionality that we no longer need to do any physical mailing. All communication with constituents, as well as paying bills/fees and making donations, is handled online through Veracross.


Veracross provides a single web-based system for all of our offices (admissions, development, finance, student records) and constituents (teachers, students, parents, staff). Having one system to support (as opposed to multiple interconnected systems) makes things much easier for everyone. In addition, the feature set is very extensive and allows us to customize things as needed. The company is constantly adding new features and listens to requests from users. Finally, the support is better than any software company I have ever worked with.

미국의 CIO
교육 관리, 201~500 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 2년 이상
리뷰어 출처

We are very happy with Veracross as a comprehensive information system for our entire school.

5.0 8년 전

주석: We benefit, daily, from having a totally integrated campus database system that requires not shuttling of data between modules and products.


The company leadership takes client feedback seriously and uses it to improve their product. Time and time again feedback our school has provided to Veracross has found its way into the product. They also excel at understanding the needs of schools and how best to integrate data across departments and divisions.


Some modules and API data availability are not where they need to be but this has improved in recent years. Veracross also needs to improve upon their support program. We love the single point of contact but at times it is limiting in support response speed.

검증된 리뷰어
검증된 LinkedIn 사용자
교육 관리, 51~200 직원
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 6~12개월
리뷰어 출처

Great Student Management Product

4.0 4년 전

주석: Veracross is a great product. I would recommend it to others in the nonprofit education arena.


The query functions are very powerful. You are able to search based on various attributes. Very useful.


The ability to have outfacing forms on our website without needing to create a record needs improving.

미국의 Chief Information Officer
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 2년 이상
리뷰어 출처

I feel like Veracross is a true partner of my school.

5.0 8년 전


We have been able to transfer so many manual, offline functions into a more efficient place with Veracross. When we first implemented Veracross, we intended it primarily for academic and admissions use. Over the past four years, however, we have been able to extend its use to everything from enrollment and reenrollment to sign ups for our writing center. It's powerful and flexible.


We pay a lot for Veracross, but the partnership that comes with it is worth the price. In the beginning, some of the documentation left something to be desired, but that's come a long way recently.

미국의 CFO
소프트웨어 사용 목적: 6~12개월
리뷰어 출처

Accounting Software User - Absolutely horrible and completely inflexible software

1.0 7년 전


other areas are okay such as admissions.


I have continually been pitched this software to be used as an "all-encompassing" school software. This is fine for anyone that does not need to do real accounting. Even Quickbooks handles accounting more accurately. Absolutely horrible! Every report that is basic in accounting has to be "custom made". I STRONGLY recommend you look elsewhere for a product if you do not want to do the majority of all financial statements and analytics via excel. I suspect a non-accountant designed this part of the software and is why the flow of information is so poorly executed.