기업의 더 효율적인 소프트웨어
선택을 위한 18년 지원 경험

Breakroom은(는) 무엇인가요?
Breakroom은 원격 협업 및 참여를 위한 최고의 메타버스 플랫폼입니다. 브랜드와 잠재고객의 연결, 원격 팀의 성장 및 발전, 온라인 교육의 몰입형 학습 경험을 지원합니다. Breakroom은 동영상 회의, 가상 회의 공간, 게임, 실시간 네트워킹 및 이벤트를 흥미로운 단일 플랫폼으로 결합한 서비스로, 기존의 2D 동영상 회의 및 협업 플랫폼을 대체할 완벽한 옵션입니다.
Breakroom은(는) 누가 사용하나요?
기업 교육 기관 비영리 단체 정부 기관 브랜드
Breakroom 리뷰
평균 점수
회사 규모(직원 수)별 리뷰
- <50
- 51-200
- 201-1,000
- >1,001
점수별 리뷰 찾기
A perfect way to connect to the virtual world
The overall performance compared to other platforms I've used in the past is breathtaking. It runs smoothly and keeps the momentum. The customizability inside the software and the gamification of the actual platform allow for users to easily get familiar with the virtual world.
Although it allows for users to get familiar with the virtual world, there is a slight learning curve (which is understandable) when starting up for the very first time. For some users a more in-depth tutorial might be needed, but the overall feel of everything creates a solid foundation to build on.
This is the future of remote working!
I’ve attended a couple of virtual meetings in Breakroom now, and although it takes a little getting used, only because it’s so different to anything I’ve tried before, you really do feel like you are in the room and an active participant, even though you are thousands of kilometers away. I also loved that by using my avatar, I didn’t have to have my camera on the whole time and feel like I’m on display, which is much more relaxing and allowed me to concentrate on the subject matter and not worry that my kids or anything else behind me would be a distraction.
Nothing really. Like I said, it takes a bit of getting used to, but that’s because it’s like nothing else I’ve ever tried before, and after the first meeting it was a piece of cake.