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SimScale 정보
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Cloud-based computing allowed me to set simulations running without worrying about my own hardware. Free community trial is an excellent way to get to grips with the platform.
Missing features (there is a lot of ongoing development). Big models with a high mesh count are expensive to run.
리뷰 필터(142)

SimScale - cost effectiveness
주석: It is positive. I understand that the company is in growth and continuous development, so some features are not available that you would like to have. However, they are very responsive and take note of your recommendations to incorporate them in future releases. For many applications, compared to other software, its cost-effectiveness stands out.
- Based on OpenFOAM, a software with fully validated results. - You don't need powerful equipment. You pay for what you use. Everything is in the cloud- It simplifies setting up a CFD simulation, especially for the non-expert user. - You have good online support.
- Although it is easy to set up and run simulations, it should be emphasized that it is still CFD / FEA software, so the user must have a minimum of training skills to use it. - It still has limitations for some complex industrial or research applications. However, the user can create a free account and evaluate SimScale operationally before purchasing a license.
Simple, beginner friendly and Elegant
주석: I've had excellent experience with Simscale, enough to not let me look at another product.
The user interface is easy to use and improved over time. From Cutting Planes to Point Selection for Parameters, it is easy find the necessary study variables. The 'Core' system allows for rapid simulations for large problems. Making everything Automatic (unless otherwise specified) makes it user friendly. A large material selection for structural analysis.
Simulation estimates can be off. More CAD operations would help (example would be to split just faces instead of bodies).
fairly judgment
주석: good
it is easy to use and easy to access. straight forwardness of the most functions which is good sometimes
presentation of the result, the results take some much time to be presented.
Easy to use and you feel comfortable in the hands of their support
SimScale is a trustful companion in rolling out cfd simulations in enterprise scale. There's an easy learning curve and support is very helpful. Creating Pedestrian Wind Comfort simulations is easy for everyone! Now we can focus on design rather than the engineering behind.
As of today; I'd love an easier workflow to upload files and exchange parts of your geometry without uploading the entire thing in a zip. There are coming ways through API and Rhino plugins but we haven't been able to utilize it 100% yet.
John Parsons with Elgin
주석: It's been intuitive to use after a walkthrough with my coworker, and what I haven't understood I've been able to ask SimScale about directly.
The product is relatively easy to use, and the tips we've gotten from SimScale reps have been useful. It's been great working with Ricardo. The option to edit a model in CAD is nice too. Subtracting objects from each other is easier in SimScale than inventor.
I've had runs fail or time out without knowing exactly what went wrong. I believe I had too many mesh cells, but I don't think I knew what a good target was.
Jean Edouard lalanne review
주석: Very good!
Easy to use and calculation "power" with remote Processor.
No possibility to calculate buckling and no possibility to input any load combinations.
Very powerfull wide range Simulation tool
+There is a huge pool of possible simulations, from static/dynamic structural to fluid simulations.+As it is web based, it's not requiring a powerfull PC at all and does not occupy your PC at all while calculating.+Pretty good documentaion / Tutorials+Plug in Chat support: They are realy helpful and have a relative short response time
modyfing imported models is pretty awkward, but you can see they are working on it and it's getting better
Using SimScale for pump design validation and new product design
주석: In general SimScale enables me to validate the design of my pump designs. Even though it does not give "absolute" true values in all cases, it can give an indication of trends and effects of design modifications. The rotary machine analysis is a key feature (MRF rotating zone) in my case.
The user interface is intuitive and easy to use. the interface to the cad model is relatively easy to use and straight forward. It can be a tedious job to work out the geometry in such a way that it is workable as a geometric input to the flow volume. The workflow is easy to understand and only a few introductory tutorials are needed to get up an running. In some cases Simscale can be used to laymen in CFD - similar to what FEM analysis is in 3D modelling design tools such as Autodesk Inventor.
I have not jet learned how to link up the CAD model to the Simscale model in such a way that modifications in the CAD model can be used to "regenerate" the flow volume of a CDF model (if it is possible at all?) It would be a great feature if is was possible, i.e. to make new versions of the base model and update the CDF analysis based on that. Opens up for more parametric analysis.
Easy to use
Being able to simply launch a Pedestrian Wind Comfort study.
Maybe viewing the 3D model should be more intuitive
It is a great software
The user interface and multiple simulation tools
That does not bring a CAD designer, it is only simulation, few post-processing options
While using Simscale
주석: It is good to be able to perform simulations necessary for design by conducting heat transfer and heat resistance analysis through Simscale.
Because Simscale does its work on the server, it's nice to be able to run it in parallel with other work.
I want to ask a question through the messenger, but it is difficult to ask a question because my English is not very good.
Review first weeks
Ease of use, clean interface, quality support
No pure 2D simulation, No composite FEA simulation is available, core hours are a limiting factor
Great customer support
I like the cloud computing feature the most as well as the really quick and helpful customer support
There are some features like rolling back to previous simulation settings that aren't developed yet.
Evaluating software for engineering design and activities
주석: I use SimScale to predict performance of rotating components in addition to performing FEA to investigate the structural integrity of a fam
The software is very user friendly and easy to setup and run models
Lack of cyclic modeling for modeling turbo machinery applications
Great support and easy to use
Easy to learn and useImmidiate support is great to progress quickly
Less features in 3D/CAD Environment, all adjustment must be made externally
Engineering simulation in the cloud
주석: I have been using SimScale to tackle professional consulting projects, in the fields of structural analysis and flow simulation. It has allowed me to run detailed models to my like, and even run many simulations at the same time. All computation process and data is hosted in the cloud, so I can rest assured, turn off my computer and leave it running overnight. When needed help or advice, the forum is a great place with experienced, willing to help people.
The ability to run big models, such as FEA meshes in the order of 10 million nodes, and CFD in the order of 20 million cells, without the need of building a supercomputer is a game breaker. Just log in from a web browser and you are good to go to create, setup, run, supervise and post process any simulation. The support, both from the company and in the forum by other users is superb. Also, easy to access online tutorials, documentation, webinars and example projects lower the entre barrier for professionals that are new in the field.
Still missing some functionality to be considered a complete suite, basically some FEA and CFD simulation models.
Convenience - and Beyond
주석: All members of the team operating SimScale routinely agree that SimScale is their default, the first and final choice.
Our use of SimScale was, in every respect, the product of an unforeseen use-case - and it happened to have a positive impact on our company. What was, initially, an uninformed purchase we simply had to make in order to facilitate the very specific needs of a client on short notice, resulted in the establishment of a team dedicated to SimScale - which has in the last eight months almost doubled its value over its set budget earlier this year. There was an instance where we required strictly thermal simulations to be conducted to specific criteria - something we had never done before, let alone knew was included in the functionality of SimScale - thankfully, a professional we had hired in an attempt to cement the contract kindly pointed out it was already available, he just needed the helm in order to put his skills to use - on the very day he was hired. Although use of SimScale is restricted to a single team, I've not received anything other than praise for the suite and services. I have no doubt that SimScale is the standard in all fields where these simulations are routinely conducted.
We had minor difficulty making use of the software, but this was because of lack of experience on our end, rather than a flaw on the end of SimScale.

Easy to use, browser-based software with excellent customer support
주석: Great training and customer support, easy to use interface that didn't require linux knowledge or other specialized knowledge. Ability to run models from any browser without the need for complex computing.
The user interface for this software, coupled with fantastic customer support and training, make it very easy to jump in and start using it to model complex scenarios from day one. The cloud-based computing means that I didn't need to dedicate an expensive computer to CFD modeling, and could run multiple simulations at once while still operating my main computer.
I've used the software primarily for CFD, and there have been a few pieces of openFOAM functionality (which is simscale's CFD backend) that haven't yet been migrated into simscale, so flexibility in modeling is slightly reduced from openFOAM. However, this is greatly made up for by the ease of use of the software and community experience.
An amazing tool
주석: This tool has enabled me and my colleagues to achieve great results in car aerodynamics simulation. Its simplicity made easy to explain CFD simulations to the "newbies" and improve our workflow.
It is a great tool because is offers a lot of power for the simulations and simplicity of use that is unrivaled by other tools.
Sometimes there are very specific needs that cannot be satisfied. This problems affects only minor aspects of the simulations: SimScale can always be used as a main tool
Simscale after a 1.5 years
주석: Very positive experience. When I had questions about the product I had very enthusiatic assistance from the simscale support team. I also very much enjoy the Simscale forum. It is an open place to discuss simulations, and any questions you might regarding the product.
I really like the ability to create multiple simulations to run parallel. Also the large offering of post processing allows for very informational and diverse results to be presented.
Sometimes it was a bit confusing what could create a simulation fail. This could have been inexperience with FEA, but as I used the product more and more I was able to increase my success rate and avoid common recurring errors.
surely recommend SimScale
I guess the above says it all.
Excellent CFD tool. Perfect support in both - knowledge, patience and response time!!
SimScale covers several applications for CFD analysis. My office is doing analysis and design for structures in the widest form. We do structures in Civil Engineering, Aeronautics, industrial equipment of all types. SimScale seems to fit any application within this list! The LBM option for wind pressure distribution on high rise. The PWC - an automated solution for wind comfort. The incompressible for airfoils etc. The multi-phase for liquid-air interaction. and probably a lot is yet to come.....
1. Show the CFL criteria plotted while running. 2. Enable video screen capture! now using 3rd party app.
Impressive Experience
주석: There is no other engineering interface that combines everything which SimScale has tackled.
It simplifies many extremely complex engineering disciplines into one interface.
Slow reactivity to new proven user features (like streamlined project commenting availability).
Clean, easy to use FEA
주석: I used SimScale largely to test out whether there was an alternative FEA program that I preferred to the programs I had used thus far. I found SimScale easy to use, but overall it wasn't the best fit for my needs at the time. Still, I would recommend SimScale if you don't need to get down into the fine details of FEA as much.
SimScale was extremely easy to use, had a nice user interface, and for my purposes, was free. I liked that it was web-based because I didn't have to use my computing power on my machine.
As with some commercial FEA products, SimScale allowed less "under the hood" tinkering with model parameters than other packages such as Abaqus.
Extremely user friendly
The software is highly user friendly whilst still being robust. It hides the clunky numbers involved with numerical analysis for new users whilst still providing the ability to change them for more experienced ones.
The software only supports fluid flow velocities of upto 0.5 Mach
Short introduction to test some simple metal constructions
주석: I encountered some problems regarding model creation during process. Problem is that I tried to repeat tutorial described process, so failed on a half way and was not able to repeat this on my own models. So excellent idea, fantastic solution but complex enough not to hit it on first time and some minor questions regarding repeating the lessons. Sorry I have not found time to get in deeper, but please continue to develop this solution. :)
SimScale 응답
8년 전
Dear Ermo, thank you for taking the time to review our product! In the meantime, we added more than 10 workshop series and 15 webinar recordings that might be better for you to get used to simulating with SimScale. The industries and applications for which they were organized are very diverse, from Automotive and Aerospace to Thermal and Cooling cases. Please take a look here: https://www.simscale.com/learning/webinars/ and here: https://www.simscale.com/learning/workshops/